Saturday, January 24, 2015

you have to love a man that sweats glitter

Someday (not today) I will get into the story of me & Mike.
It is not romantic. It is not a story filled with roses & kisses.
It's a story of how somehow we both work. Well. Together.
We don't understand it either.

Our funniest movie is Wes Anderson's 'Moonrise Kingdom'...we only just realized that we die laughing because it is the two of us meeting in 7th grade.
We met late in life. I had 2 fabulous kids by then, but he took them under his wing & made us all braver than we would have been if left to our own devices.

I took him outside his comfort zone when we went out West...You want to do that? Ok...then I want to do this.

This is how we have always worked together. And in this year of limbo, it has been so important to try to keep this going.

And you have to just love someone that takes over your glitter zone.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Sometimes I am just so fucking brilliant. Yes. Today was one of those days.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Living in Limbo

What a crazy year this has been.
And now we are halfway through January of 2015 and a mere 6 weeks away from setting off on our cross country adventure. I know it will go by too quickly as we try to pare things down even more, organize, sort and get everything in order.
Lists and more lists.

I am excited to start out on a new adventure...and also a bit sad to say goodbye to the North Country. I will miss the mountains and the fall colors. I will miss that special light late in April that casts a perfect coral glow before the leaves burst out. And that perfect blue sky in August, when everything is so lush and green.

Blah, blah, blah...enough of that. I have some lists to make.