Saturday, February 21, 2015

the final countdown

We are leaving in 6 days.

Bubba is all crazy with the packing.
Me? Not so much.

I tried to plan some stuff in the Shanendoah area & I have been snowed out.
Ok. I get it.
Pack some leggings, T-shirts & sweaters.

I am going to 'Annie Lamott' this trip.

Hello wing & a prayer.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Wow...after this crazy year of living in limbo...we are leaving. Yes. We are finally leaving.

I don't even know how to process this last year.

There is so much funny stuff... & there is so much sad stuff.
Did I mention that I have no idea about how to even deal with this year?

What I do know is that we have bumped our traveling schedule up by 2 weeks.

Everything that we wanted to do in the Mid-Atlantic is buried under snow.

Bring it on Corinne. You are the first stop.